Thinking Environment


19 Jul: What does it mean to be a Thinking Environment and Why does it Matter?

What if 2020 is the year we embrace change, in a way unlike we have ever done in the past? What if we would, more intentionally, generate the best thinking in others and ourselves, for the good of all? What if – with creativity, courage, and commitment – we chose to become a thinking environment for others?

Photo by Amer Mughawish on Unsplash_LI

05 Jul: When we’re busy being inclusive, who are we leaving out?

It’s hard writing about inclusion. How can I do it with any kind of honesty without talking about exclusion. And, of course, exclusion is something that most of us have very little experience of.
We’re learning that we need to do things differently. And as parents, teachers, mentors, coaches, teammates, employers and leaders we have the responsibility – and the power – to create inclusive environments. Many of us are working out what that means for the way we think and behave personally.
Here I share what creating a safe, inclusive space means for me. I offer my thoughts on how we can be truly welcoming by creating environments in which we listen deeply to what others think, feel and want to say.