In other words, not giving proper time, thought and mental determination to putting in place the plan they have designed, with your support, and often falling at the first sign of things getting difficult or inconvenient.
If we find ourselves giving advice, this can actually take the power out of the coaching process and leave our clients only temporarily motivated, with a solution or way of doing things that, deep-down, they know is not the best for them and does not utilise their best skills or highest area of work and enjoyment. In other words, they have not owned their own solution and outcome.
One of the very best ways of getting our clients to think for themselves in a high quality way is by being a Thinking Environment® and employing a Thinking Partnership framework, where they feel truly heard, understood and valued and have the time and space to decide on their own best solutions. Offering a Thinking Partnership framework creates the opportunity for our clients to uncover what is stopping them achieve what they want and create new ways of moving forward.
The Thinking Environment is based upon the observation that ‘the quality of everything we, as human beings do, depends upon the quality of the thinking we do first’. This was so beautifully identified over 30 years ago by Nancy Kline, who is the best-selling author of three books, founder of the Time To Think leadership and coaching consultancy and a most wonderful teacher.
Your Powerful Coaching Secret Weapon
I have created a concise and powerful video training where I walk you through a live demonstration of a Thinking Partnership coaching session with a real-life client and a real-life problem.
In the video you’ll see how to best go through the framework and the way my client quickly got to higher thinking and coming up with her own best solution. If you have not yet attended the Thinking Partnership programme, this video highlights what you will be able to master and deliver for your clients after the training. If you have already attended the programme with me, this video will help you contract effectively with your client, navigate the framework through each part and be a valuable reference to return to.
Thinking Environment®
This valuable video shows you step-by-step how to facilitate a Thinking Partnership session and showcases its effectiveness with a practical, real life demonstration.
You have a supremely powerful and versatile tool at your fingertips, which you can refer back to time and time again to walk you through the process and refine your skills.
Enhances your coaching skills and quickly fosters a tranquil environment that brings out your clients’ best thinking, problem-solving and decision-making.
Enables you to elegantly offer challenge and breakthrough in your coaching, bringing your clients’ background thoughts to the foreground and offering space and safety to articulate those thoughts and ideas.
Generates deeper trust and understanding between you and your client and a greater sense of connectedness.
Your clients place a high value on you as their coach and there is a greater sense of fulfillment for both them and you.
Client retention rates are likely to be increased.
Brings attention to important things and challenges them face-on (also helps the you as the coach to do this too).
Gives ownership to your clients for resolving their own issues and following through on the actions you’ve agreed.
Empowers your clients to find their own best solutions – taking into account all aspects of their life and their skills, strengths and weaknesses – increasing their capacity for success.
As well as broadening your coaching toolkit, you can be a Thinking Environment with your children or spouse for deepening communication and understanding.
Experientially demonstrates clearly the 10 components of the Thinking Environment.
The true benefit is that it’s a walk through demo on how to facilitate independent thinking in others and creates an environment of others to do their best thinking.
Allows you to manage your energy better and prevents burnout from ‘over-giving’ and talking too much of the time! This means you can do more coaching sessions in a day if you want to, without feeling stressed or too tired.
It will give you a competitive advantage in your marketplace and make you more attractive to potential new clients.
Your Investment
The investment for a live coaching demonstration of the Thinking Partnership online video training is just £97.
14-Day Money Back Guarantee
It is recommended that you also take ‘An Introduction To The Thinking Environment’ to accompany this Demonstration training video. Once you’ve got your Demo training video, you might be interested in joining my 3-day Thinking Partnership Retreat.