In the past, I was not always clear about what I wanted. I enjoyed my work, for the most part, worked hard and learned a lot. However when I became clear about what I wanted and who I wanted to be, things changed…
I was not always confident in who I was being. I remember some very unpleasant moments; being yelled at by a senior executive when I felt I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me! As I grew in confidence, things changed…
I have been able to progress through my career from PA to HR Director, Executive Coach and a business owner. I am grateful to have a family and continue what I love to do and balance my work and home in the way that works for me, and our family.
Are you unclear about who you want to become and what you want for yourself and your business?
Do you sometimes lack confidence in yourself or your leadership?
Do you want to achieve more for yourself and your business?
If you answered YES to the questions above, here is how I can help you:
I am a Master Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF) with over 3,000 coaching hours. I have worked within Professional and Financial services for 30 years within Human Resources (from Linklaters to ABN Amro and a few in-between) and as an Executive Coach (through my own coaching practice Ashvale Consultancy Limited).
My coach training is underpinned by an NLP Master Practitioner Certification, a Post Grad in Psychological Coaching, an accreditation as a Time to Think coach, facilitator and teacher together with a blend of other workshops and trainings from appreciative enquiry, systems based coaching and solutions-focused coach approach.
I have witnessed huge steps forward, transformations, deep discovery and sustainable results in my clients and I want this for you too.
Here’s how it works…
If you are within an organisation and your coaching is sponsored, you may need to get approval (and budget) from your Manager / Head of Leadership Development / Talent Management. Once approved, think about what you most want to achieve from your coaching:
Focused areas, tailored to you, may include;
- Developing your team leadership and commercial awareness
- Enhancing your communication skills for greater influence and impact
- Developing your personal brand and sense of gravitas
- Developing greater self-awareness, relationship building and engagement
- Managing performance and having courageous conversations
- Seeking clarity on business and/or career aspirations and developing a plan to achieve your aspirations
- Navigating your organisation with political savvy
You will have the opportunity to discover more about yourself in a confidential, non-judgemental environment.
You will have time to think through what you want and uncover what might be getting in the way.
You will gather more information from my insights to support your further thinking.
You will create new insights, breakthroughs and ways forward.
You will become more confident in yourself and attract more confidence from others in you.
You will become more adaptable.
You will develop coaching skills as part of your leadership tool kit.
The process…
- A free initial telephone call to establish what you want to achieve from your coaching and mutual commitment to working together.
- I will gather clear brief of coaching request from HR Business Partner and Leadership & Development Manager, where applicable
- During part of first and last coaching session, your coaching sponsor (line manager or other) is invited to join for a tri-partite conversation to ascertain and sustain the coaching outcomes
- We outline coaching outcomes with key measures of success and agree coaching contract
- We have 6 coaching meetings focused on your coaching outcomes up to 90 minutes over a 6-month period.
- You have unlimited telephone and email support in between coaching sessions
- I offer diagnostic tools for further self-awareness (MBTI, EQi, IDI, 360° Feedback), if not already completed within the organization
- I provide relevant articles, publications, reading together with use of relevant models and effective frameworks on coaching topics
If you are self-funding, the above offering equally applies, usually without the involvement of a sponsor.
and take the first step to arrange your initial call
Thank you for taking an interest in what I have to offer and I look forward to hearing from you.
Jane Adshead-Grant, owner of JaneAdsheadGrant.com and Ashvale Consultancy Limited.