One of the most important leadership qualities of which a manager can possess is passion. If you are not passionate about what you are doing, you cannot begin to motivate others to do the same.
Having a passion for what you are doing also helps motivate you to praise employees when they show improved productivity. Incorporate passion into training sessions you hold and you’ll ‘Do what you love, and love what you do’.
1. Passion in Communication – Clear & Concise
Leaders need the practical knowledge necessary to communicate effectively with both employees and senior stakeholders. You need to be able to communicate effectively with your employees in order to get the right message across regarding your expectations and about the job in hand. Your employees need clear, concise direction that only you can afford them, and you need to be able to do this on a regular basis. You also need to be able to justify your executive decisions to your senior stakeholders. In order to do this, you must explain the benefits of what you are doing using the correct framework.
2. Passion For Your Employees
Leaders understand that a business is not a one man show. It takes everyone playing their own part to make the business cogs turn unimpeded and to keep work and revenue coming in. [tweetthis url=”janeadsheadgrant.com”]Show your employees that you are investing in them. Don’t just say it.[/tweetthis]
Encourage your employees to take advantage of personal development and training opportunities. Congratulate your employees when they show outstanding effort and encourage them to do more, rewarding consistent hard work with both financial and non-financial means. The more employees feel appreciated, the harder they are apt to work for you.
3. Passion For Encouraging Teamwork
Encouraging teamwork is an integral part of being a leader…a team leader. When employees have a common vision, and each employee knows their part, you will see substantial increases in your productivity.
Include your employees in decisions that affect the team and encourage them to solve problems as a group rather than separately. Teaching them to think critically as a unit will encourage an environment where employees work together to achieve a common goal. This also compels employees to push each other to be more productive and to share ideas with one another.
4. Passion For Quick and Accurate Decision Making
Both employees and senior stakeholders rely on team leaders to make tough calls on a regular basis, to make them quickly and accurately so as to improve adherence to company initiatives.
Your employees need to know that someone is there if they have questions or concerns. They need to have a central managerial figure in their workday in order to focus on the task at hand and to be motivated by the need to excel.
Your senior stakeholders need to know that you can handle the tough calls so that they can focus on what they need to do. The more decisive you are and the more executive calls you make correctly, the more valuable you will be to your company.
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I am passionate about helping you. For more information about the executive coaching that I offer, drop me an e-mail at jane@ashvaleconsultancy.com
Great article thank you. When you feel passionate about what you do, others around you feel inspired and together you can really move forward and make a difference.